About Us

Dr. Hendrickson DDS
Dr. Ivan Hendrickson DDS received his Bachelor Degree from Brigham Young University, and his DDS (Doctorate of Dental Surgery) from Baylor College of Dentistry. He graduated in the top 10% of his class with honors in the OKU academic society. More importantly he has 25 years of experience with thousands of oral surgeries performed. He is the kind of professional that will provide you with a high quality experience.

Greg Sanders CRNA
Greg Sanders received his CRNA degree from Westminster College and his Doctorate of Nursing Practice from the University of Utah. He has practiced Anesthesia for 10 years and currently works in both Utah and Texas. Greg has successfully sedated over 30,000 patients ranging from dental to extreme trauma cases. He currently resides in Saint George with his wife and 2 kids where they enjoy spending time together as a family.

Heidi Beron CRNA
Heidi Beron, CRNA, is a board-certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist that attended Nevada State College in Henderson, Nevada for her undergrad. She attended University of Alabama, for her anesthesia residency, followed by an internship at LeBonheur Children’s in Memphis, Tennessee. She has been a member of the Sunrise Hospital Trauma Anesthesia Team since 2014. Additionally, she has been on staff as the resident CRNA at SVSC since2015. She is on-site at SVSC daily.
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